A sports massage is a deep tissue massage targeting specific areas that are requested by the patient. There is no assessment or advice given as there would be with a Physiotherapy treatment session.
What Massages do we do at The Physiotherapy Clinic?
- Sports Massage
- Deep tissue massage
- Cupping
- Hot Stones Massage
What is massage ?
Massage is the process of manipulation of the body’s soft tissue in order to improve health and well being. This can range from improved relaxation to the relief of muscular aches and pains.
Massage has many different techniques that should be applied to get the most out of session these techniques go as followed…
Effleurage –
often the warm up technique to get clients prepared for deeper more intense techniques, it is often very relaxing if kept at a superficial level and tends to be more stimulating when done at a deeper level
the aim is to cleanse the muscle tissues and can consist of a multitude of different techniques
“to tap” it is mainly stimulating due to quick movements but can also be very relaxing when variable speeds are used
the aim of this technique is to break down scar tissue and adhesions in the muscle. and somewhat create a localised inflammatory response
You might be asking yourself why? Why should I have a massage well here are some of the benefits of soft tissue massage
Biomechanical effects
- reduced tissue adhesion
- increased range of joint motion which in turn reduces both passive and active stiffness at the joint
Physiological effects
- increased blood flow to the area
- increases parasympathetic activity (brings the body back to normal homeostasis and allows the body to relax)
- increased relaxation hormones and reduced stress hormones
Neurological effects
- can reduce muscle pain and reduce muscle tension or spasm
Psychological effects
- increased relaxation
- reduced anxiety
Our Sports Therapist offers:
1 hour Massages
30 minute Massages
90 Minute Massages