Your initial assessment with one of our highly qualified physiotherapists at The Physiotherapy Clinic Rochdale with include
- Thorough Assessment a chat about your injury, how it is affecting your lifestyle and the activities it is stopping you from doing. Along with a thorough history taking and a clinical examination. From here we will determine a diagnosis, discuss this diagnosis in detail.
- Individualised Management Plan Our Physiotherapist will then create a specific tailor made rehabilitation plan and provide expert guidance to help you in your recovery journey.
- Treatment as below ;
Physiotherapy Treatment will include:
Manual therapy
Our physiotherapists are specifically trained in manual therapy and take a ‘hands-on’ approach to most sessions.
Manual techniques that we use include:
- Joint and spine mobilisations
- Joint and spine manipulation
- Soft tissue massage
- Deep Transverse Friction Massage
Physiotherapists have utilised electrotherapy modalities for a long time, and the techniques are clinically proven to help with the healing process.
- Shockwave Therapy– the application of pressure waves through the skin, directed at the injury. Shockwave is an excellent treatment for tendon injuries, tennis/golfer’s elbow, and other soft tissue injuries
- Ultrasound– a common modality found in most physiotherapy clinics. This is the application of ultrasonic sound waves through the skin and can help with swelling, bruising, and ligament injuries
- Infra-red heat– the most simple of treatments, but can be one of the most effective. We use heat to reduce pain, stiffness, and tightness in soft tissues and joints prior to the application of manual therapy
Exercise rehabilitation
At the core of physiotherapy is exercise, and getting the body to move more easily and normally which is proven to aid in recovery of injuries. Our physiotherapists will guide you in the best exercises to perform whether in clinic or as part of a home exercise plan using our very own Physiotec exercise programming system, this can be followed on an app whilst at home to make sure you do your exercise homework!
Should you require a more long term approach to exercise rehabilitation, or you want to generally get fitter, we are pleased to work in partnership with a local strength & conditioning coach BodyPro. For more information about this please contact the team.
Acupuncture is the insertion of ultra-fine needles (the width of a human hair) into certain points of the body depending on the nature of the injury or pain.
It is used as a means of reducing pain through production of natural, pain relieving chemicals. Acupuncture also stimulates nerve fibers to block out pain signals and helps to reduce the sensitivity of tender points in the body. We also utilise it to reach some deeper points we may struggle to reach without the use of needles or particularly tight bands in muscles, these assist the body healing process and offer pain relieve as a precursor for other manual or exercise therapy.
The needles are normally inserted into the top layer of skin but may be inserted slightly deeper. The premise is that acupuncture helps to reduce pain and facilitate healing, and patients find it useful for neck and back pain, nerve pain, and muscular pain amongst others.
All our physiotherapists have undertaken specialist postgraduate training in acupuncture, and we follow strict hygiene protocols to ensure the treatment is administered safely and effectively.
Normally seen in a sporting environment, the application of supportive tape can help with pain, immobilisation of an injured area, and facilitate recovery.
Your physiotherapist may use rigid taping for injuries such as finger sprains, rotator cuff problems, or knee ligament sprains. They may also use k-tape (the colourful one), which may help with muscle tears/strains.
Our Physios are all trained in fitting orthotics, Orthotics are medically prescribed devices that are fitted in your shoes by one of our physiotherapists to correct your feet biomechanical. These can aid in the correction of the movement/positioning to help reduce pain and injury.
Onward referral:
If we feel you need an onward referral for an Xray, MRI or ultrasound scan we can arrange these very quickly as we have close links to private hospitals and private consultations.