The Physio Therapy Clinic

Modified Pilates from The Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute (APPI) is designed by Physiotherapists. It combines Physiotherapy research into spinal stability with traditional Pilates exercises and breaks the exercises down into clearly defined levels to produce a gradual progression of load and control.

Pilates was originally developed by Joseph Humbertus Pilates. He was born in 1880 in Germany and as a young man, practiced Yoga, Zen meditation and exercise regimes of the ancient Greeks.

During World War I he was interned as a POW in England where he devised gentle exercise regimes for injured patients. These patients tended to recover faster than those not following his regimes.

Following the War he developed the exercises within the dance world and eventually opened ‘The Pilates Studio’ in New York. On his death, some of his students he had taught in New York continued his work and developed the Pilates exercises we know today.

Pilates exercises have many benefits:

  • Increased strength and stability of deep spinal muscles (core stability)
  • Greater flexibility
  • Improved posture
  • Relaxation and breathing control

​The Physiotherapy Clinic Instructors

Our current APPI trained and Physiotherapists teaching physio-led pilates are: Lisa Sharratt, Leah Macauley, Georgia Smith and Lucy Connelly. 


Studio Class Timetable

All Classes are full at present


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
00:00 – 00:00 09:30 – 10:30
10:00 – 11:00
10:00 – 11:00
00:00 – 00:00 00:00 – 00:00 11:00 – 12:00
12:30 – 13:30
00:00 – 00:00
13:30 – 14:20
18:00 – 19:00
17:30 – 18:30
18:00 – 19:00
19:00 – 20:00
18:30 – 19:30
19:00 – 20:00




Beginners Pilates
Intermediate Pilates
Advanced Pilates
Balance & Co-ordination Class